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Apr 23, 2007

New Swinger Gladhand from Phillips Industries Swivels 180°Without Kinking Air Line

Santa Fe Springs, CA (April 23, 2007) Phillips Industries has introduced a low-profile, compact Swinger Gladhand designed for intermodal fleets and those pulling piggyback trailers. The Swinger Gladhand follows the tractor to prevent accidental disconnects and kinking air lines, which can result in loss of air pressure to the brakes or dangerous damage to the air system. When the Swinger Gladhand is disconnected, it swings closed to a sealed position to prevent contaminants from entering the air system.

Costly downtime and repairs, unnecessary hardware expense and excessive installation time can be avoided by choosing the Swinger Gladhand. The upper portion of the Swinger Gladhand rotates 180° on a durable nylon glide ring, while the lower portion remains still allowing the airline to remain immobile. This swinging action permits the use of less expensive nylon-type air tubing instead of costly hoses with swinger valves. Other features of the Swinger Gladhand include an additional inner seal and non-corrosive stainless steel return spring.

WE MAKE PRODUCTS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE™. Please visit us at to learn how Phillips products can make a difference in your operation.

Phillips Industries is a leading supplier, innovator and manufacturer of advanced electrical and air brake interface equipment for the commercial vehicle industry. Phillips is a major participant in industry associations including TMC, SAE, Heavy Duty Manufacturers Association and state trucking associations. Based in Santa Fe Springs, CA, Phillips Industries is ISO 9001:2000 certified and has manufacturing and distribution facilities throughout the U.S. and Canada.

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