Our Company Policies

Quality Policy

The responsibility for quality at Phillips Industries belongs to everyone. We are committed to complying with agreed to customer requirements and to continually improve the effectiveness of its quality management system through preventative and continuous improvement actions and reviewing those actions annually for continued suitability. We shall ensure the Confidentiality of customer contracted products, projects under development and related product information.
All employees have the authority to stop production to correct or prevent a potential product or process problem. Personnel from Quality, Engineering and Customer Service are designated as Customer Representatives on the organizational charts. Phillips Industries is dedicated to a total quality operation and will operate within the guidelines of its manual.

Phillips OEM

As we intend to follow a model based on process management, Phillips OEM implemented and maintains a Quality Management System and an Environmental Management System based on the requirements of the ISO9001;2015, IATF 16949 and ISO 14001 standards.

This way, Phillips OEM demonstrates once again its commitment to a continuous improvement within its Management Systems, always seeking to achieve the highest grade of satisfaction from the customers regarding the products and services our company provides.

Como parte de seguir un modelo basado en gestion de procesos Phillips OEM implementó y mantiene un Sistema de Gestión la Calidad bajo los requerimientos de la Norma ISO9001;2015, IATF 16949 asi como un Sistema de Gestión Ambiental bajo los requerimientos de la Norma ISO 14001.

De esta manera Phillips OEM demuestra una vez más su compromiso con la mejora permanente de sus sistemas de gestión, con vistas a conseguir la máxima satisfacción de sus clientes con los productos y servicios que nuestra empresa suministra.

Environmental Policy

We make a choice as a company and as individuals to be environmentally conscious and responsible for our work place, our homes, our communities and our planet. By committing to the continuous improvement of our products and processes so as to reduce or prevent pollution, by meeting or exceeding local, state and federal regulatory and legal requirements through the implementation and maintenance of environmental management systems.

End of Product Life Program

At Phillips we care about the environment and encourage our vendors and customers to do the same. By earning the prestigious ISO 14001 Environmental certification we have made a commitment to make continuous improvements toward environmentally friendly materials and processes. To help you do your part in our social obligations to protect the environment we have posted a list of materials used in Phillips products that may be recycled and we strongly encourage you to do so. If you have any questions please contact our Environmental Health Safety Manager at dcastillo@phillipsind.com. Together we can improve our work place, homes, communities and planet!

Phillips Materials That May Be Recycled

These materials may be used as final products, sub-assembles or in our packaging.

  • Lead
  • Aluminum Zinc Plated Al.
  • Plastic
  • Copper
  • Cardboard
  • Hard Plastic Nylon Tubing, Nylon Moldings
  • Soft Plastic PVC, Cable & Wire Jackets
  • Electrical Components (E-Waste) Permalogics, Dome Lights, Computers, etc…
  • Steel & Steel Banding
  • Stainless Steel
  • Brass
  • Cast Iron
  • Paper